Health Impacts of Deportation Report

A survey of deportees in Nogales, Sonora, shows elevated levels of stress, abuse, and trauma among people detained and removed from the United States. Read more about the report here.


Shooting Case Confirms Lack of Accountability Within Border Patrol

by No More Deaths on Apr 6, 2012 • No Comments
A Border Patrol agent is facing a civil suit on behalf of Jesús Enrique Castro Romo, a resident of Nogales, Sonora, Mexico who was shot by the agent in November 2010 while he lay face down on the ground. The agent, Abel Canales, also faces a federal indictment on charges of accepting brides to repeatedly…



Support Policies for Border Crossers at the Mexico-U.S. Border

The Mexico-U.S. border remains a focal point for immigration and human rights issues, with thousands of individuals crossing annually in search of safety, economic opportunity, and a better life. The journey is fraught with danger, and upon arrival, migrants often face a host of challenges. To address these issues, a [...]


Health Status of Deported Individuals at the Mexico-U.S. Border

The Mexico-U.S. border is one of the most contentious points for immigration and human rights issues in the world. The health status of individuals deported at this border has become an urgent and complex problem. These deported individuals often endure numerous physical and mental hardships, from harsh living conditions to [...]


Humanitarian Crisis at the Mexico-U.S. Border

The Mexico-U.S. border, stretching approximately 1,954 miles, is not just a line separating two nations but also a site of numerous tragic stories about migrants. The humanitarian crisis in this area has become a heated topic, reflecting the suffering of millions seeking better opportunities while posing a significant challenge to [...]


Strengthening Border Enforcement: The Impact of “Zero Tolerance” Policies on Migrants

In the context of increasing illegal migration from Mexico to the United States, the U.S. government has implemented various policies to strengthen border enforcement. One of the most notable policies is “Zero Tolerance,” announced in 2018. This policy has led to a significant increase in the number of Border Patrol [...]


High Temperatures and Extreme Weather: The Situation for Migrants in the Sonoran Desert

The Sonoran Desert, one of the largest deserts in North America, spans across Arizona and California in the United States and parts of Mexico. This area is notorious for its extreme climate, especially during the summer when temperatures can reach up to 120°F (49°C). While the desert landscape may appear [...]


The Brutality of the Mexico-US Border Patrol

The Mexico-US border has long been the focal point of a migration crisis and social conflict, with many complex issues related to brutality and violence. This is not just a geographical border but a site witnessing numerous conflicts between migrants seeking better living opportunities and law enforcement agencies, alongside the [...]


Strikes and Protests Regarding Border Policy Between Mexico and the U.S.

In recent years, strikes and protests related to border policy between Mexico and the United States have become an integral part of the struggle for the rights of migrants and the Latino community. The situation at the border between the two countries has become increasingly tense, with millions of migrants [...]


Human Rights Organizations Speak Out on the Mexico-U.S. Border Crossing Events

In recent years, the issue of border crossing between Mexico and the United States has become one of the most pressing and widely discussed topics worldwide. Millions of people from Central American countries, particularly Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador, have sought to cross the border in search of a better [...]


2012 – Post-Deportation Health: A Humanitarian Assessment (English, pdf)

A Culture of Cruelty (English, pdf)

Una cultura de crueldad (Spanish, pdf)

Buy a printed copy of the report (English or Spanish)

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News From Border Realities

  • Event: Undocumented Immigrants in Tucson Petition ICE December 12, 2011 Philip Kennedy
  • A Migrant’s Story of Abuse December 4, 2011 Philip Kennedy
  • A Town Hall on the Border December 2, 2011 Philip Kennedy